Cheers to the state of New York for being the first state to make mental health education mandatory!!! This feature on The Today Show shares the importance of teaching coping skills in the classroom.
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Cheers to the state of New York for being the first state to make mental health education mandatory!!! This feature on The Today Show shares the importance of teaching coping skills in the classroom.
Oftentimes, clients who are recovering from eatings disorders worry about how they will be able to respond to friends or family members who are dieting themselves. This NY Times article provides reassurance that it is possible to maintain recovery while being exposed to what could have been triggers in the past.
As the new school year begins across the country, students (and parents) will inevitably begin to feel the stress of academic demands. This NY Times article, by psychologist Lisa Damour, reminds us that growth cannot occur without approaching life’s challenges, whether in school or in everyday life.
“…we should appreciate that healthy stress is inevitable when we operate at the edge of our abilities. Stretching beyond familiar limits doesn’t always feel good, but growing and learning — the keys to school and much of life — can’t happen any other way.”
Let’s remove the shame and stigma associated with mental health disorders. In this week's People Magazine, Mariah Carey shares her story, proving that one can struggle with mental health, substance use and/or eating disorders AND be worthy of living a full life. We need to open the dialogue and take away the fear…we can start by talking about it!
I love, love, LOVE when people share about their experiences living with anxiety and still being able to enjoy their lives. Thank you @TodayShow and @CarsonDaly for including this important segment in today’s show. He shares that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, progressive muscle relaxation and exercise work to help manage his anxiety - all tools I practice with my clients (amongst others!). By working with a therapist, Mr. Daly shares that he has learned to embrace who he is and has the tools to work through those periods of anxiety.
"I may be a little anxious, but I know I'm going to be okay." Amen to that, Carson.
It is no secret and there is nothing wrong with you (if you are an adolescent) or you (if you are a parent!). It's a part of life and many children struggle with mental health disorders. If you are a parent, please do not minimize how your child is feeling. If you are an adolescent, please reach out to an adult to seek support!
Let's admit it - there remains a stigma about mental health disorders, addiction and recovery. It has existed for decades and will take considerable time and effort to reduce it. The importance of reducing the stigma has been highlighted by the recent report released by The President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, which recognizes that the stigma toward addiction is a barrier towards seeking treatment. This NYTimes Op-Ed piece opens up the conversation.
#mentalhealthawareness #recoveryispossible #substanceuseawareness
Wanted to share a pretty scary article - perfect for Halloween!
This article brings up a great point - while we all try to find peace within ourselves, it is just as important to remember the importance of social relationships with another human! #mindfulness #mentalhealth #nytimes #meditation